Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Max Irons

Max Irons
Where to start? Where to start? Max my dear , my darling handsome Englishman oh how you've invaded my life with your perfect features , witty humor and lovely accent. The First time I saw Mr. Irons was in Red Riding Hood and honestly through out the movie I was wondering why Valerie didn't pick him , the choice seemed so obvious to me on which one I would choose but eh, what can you do about the writer's vision? Anyway Mr. Irons I will now place some things about you here and credit IMDb and Wikipedia as well as Youtube Interviews for this information , thank you.
Full Name:
Maximilian Paul Diarmuid Irons

Place of Origin:
Camden , London , England , UK

Born :
October 17th , 1985

Actor and Model for Burberry and Mango


Max Irons was born in London, the son of Irish actress Sinead Cusack, and British acting legend Jeremy Irons. Growing up in his family’s impressive Oxfordshire estate (they counted author Ian McEwan among their neighbours), the young Irons suffered from Dyslexia, unable to spell his own name at eight years old. When he was old enough, Irons was sent to a state boarding school, where he was bullied for his “medieval inverted yellow glasses.” Eventually though, Irons would morph into the rebellious youth that’s to be expected of a celebrity couple’s offspring. While at the mixed boarding school Bryanston, Irons was constantly suspended for indulging in the finer things in life: booze, women and other illicit substances. After a particular incident, where he was caught in a compromising position with a female student, Irons was thrown out of school. 

(on what appeals to him in a woman) I appreciate a natural look, as opposed to too made up. Kindness and a generous spirit go a long way. And a sense of humor. It's like medicine - very healing. A woman who isn't preoccupied with superficial things, who knows what is real and important. Someone who is willing to slum it every now and then. But mainly, whatever makes her happy!

I like reading, free diving and hiking. But my favorite thing to do is travel anywhere in Greece. I love everything about that place.

I play the guitar. I used to perform at school - and, once, I played in front of 650 people. I thought I did quite well - but, two years ago, a close friend of mine said to me, "Remember when you sang at school? You were shit!"

(Biography courtesy of